Thursday, December 2, 2010

Asking for prayers...

for my beautiful DT sister Li-bee-ti at Frosted Designs. She lives in Israel - literally, a half a world away, and at a time when she should be celebrating Hanukkah, she is instead mourning the loss of friends and fearing for the safety of more friends and family.

A huge wildfire has spread through her home town of Haifa, where her mom and brother still live, along with life-long friends. More than 40 are reported dead and many others missing. Already, the fire has devastated more than 7,000 acres. With dry, hot weather and strong winds forecasted, this is a terrible time for our friends over there. Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers - hopefully they'll receive a holiday miracle.


D said...

She is in my prayers. What a horrible they to happen.

Theresa said...

She, her family, friends, and neighbors are all in my prayers..I saw coverage of the fires this evening, and my heart went out to all.

Kim said...

My Prayers go up for Li-bee-ti and her family.