Thursday, August 5, 2010

Celebrate Life - Frosted Designs Challenge

Our Frosted Designs challenge this week is hosted by one of my favorite blogging buddies, Kim! I hope you'll join us this week for the awesome challenge and a chance to celebrate life!
My layout this weeks celebrates the miracle of life:

When I was going through pictures to choose for my layout this week, I came across this one of Sophia when she was just newly born. You see, after Andrew (who was born at the end of August) I used to joke with my husband that I wouldn't have another August baby because it was just too miserable. My due date with Sophia was August 14 - her daddy's birthday. Sure enough, bright and early the morning of July 31, I had some back pain that ended up being early stage labor. Just four short hours later and a very speedy delivery (we came close to having her in the parking lot!), my sweet, beautiful, teeny tiny 5 lb., 11 oz. Sophia was brought into the world.... blue and not breathing. Our pediatrician, whose office was in the next wing, was called into our delivery room STAT. Thankfully, the nurses were able to revive her by the time the doctor arrived, but she was still in distress. She spent three days in neonatal intensive care, and I didn't even hold her for fear of making things worse until she was released. It was truly one of the most terrifying times of my life. Seeing my newborn baby girl under an oxygen hood with tubes sticking out of everywhere was life altering - and we got off easy! After she was released, she thrived. Praise God!
Life truly is a miracle. Take a moment to be thankful for yours and hug all those you love!


Kelly Massman said...

What a blessing that she pulled through! Great layout!

Unknown said...

I so love this precious layout. I cried reading your jouraling. This is what our passion is about, documenting what happens in life.
Hugs to you, sweet friend!
Kim xXx

Barb Craft said...

Jessica... sorry it has taken me so long to stop by! I love your LO for FD this week! This photo really does remind us how precious life is!! What a sweet blessing you have there!!
Barb :)