Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day & blog candy winner!

Hi all!
I hope you all have a wonderful Valentine's Day and spend it surrounded by those you love.

We have a *new* blog candy winner - MatildyJaneDesigns! Please be sure to email me with your mailing info by next Friday, Feb. 19th.

Thanks to all who commented & played!


Matildy Jane Designs said...

Woohoo! I won! I won! Thanks! Yippee! I won! I won!

I get a little excited. Sorry. (Heehee!)

I'm linking you on my blog!

Making Creative Memories in Thyme said...

Congrats to Matildy Jane Designs!
I hope you enjoyed your Valentine's Day!
Kim xXx

Matildy Jane Designs said...

Hi there! I received my blog candy today! I was so excited that I went into my daughter's room to open it so I would have someone to share the fun with. After about the 3rd item I pulled out, she said (in a tone that only a teenager can manage), "Mom, you really should come up with a word other than 'cute' soon!" So I switched to "adorable" and "lovely" and a few others equally as 'cute'! lol
Thanks a bunch!