Friday, September 9, 2011

Honor & Memory Blog Hop

Lucky Girl Crafts "Honor & Memory" Blog Hop
Friday, Sept. 9 starting at 12 a.m. MST through Sunday, Sept. 11 at 11:59 p.m.

As crafters, we have the ability to express our emotions through our art. As scrapbookers, our words flow onto the page to tell our story, or in this case, our perspective of a story or event, to future generations.

This weekend, the Lucky Girls have dedicated their projects to those who we want to honor, those whose lives have touched us and we want to remember, or a favorite memory we have of a special person.

If you're just joining us, head on over to the Lucky Girl Crafts store blog to check out everybody's interpretation of the challenge.

Otherwise, I'll leave you with my project:

Angi is up next for the blog hop

Thank you for joining us this weekend. You are loved.


Emily D. said...

Wow.... this is so moving, Jessica. I love this. Great kit this month!!

Beckie W said...

Such an event....shew...brings tears to my eyes with just the memory. Great cause.

I just started my blog. I'd love for you to stop by.
